Indy Motogp August 28, 2011
Red Bull Indianapolis Grand Prix

This weekend come to a most significant events of the season. It is, of course, the Indianapolis Grand Prix to be held at the famous track using part of the oval track, The Brickyard. Nicknamed so for decades to maintain a 0.90-yard-original brick used in its construction back in 1909. But this great prize is far from being one more since this is the place that houses one of the world's most important tests of the engine, the Indianapolis 500 of all you will have ever heard. Thus, the MotoGP championship will have the honor of blowing their engines across the 6.7 miles that will walk participants to complete one revolution.
A return that is sure to be craving something different than usual these past three years has been holding the test, the feelings have changed a bit when out of the box to have noticed the resurfacing which has been working for months and will be present throughout the circuit except from turn one through four, which were covered with other types to host its first GP in 2008. So we have a total of three different asphalts, including the two-part oval in one safe route that gives the occasional headache for the set-up but on the other hand, has managed to overcome the numerous potholes that caused more of a problem last year.